
The whole solution is based on the principle of geolocation. The client maintains up-to-date information about the opening hours of individual facilities, which is reflected in real time in the icons in Google maps.

Navigation is simplified by filtering options to specific areas or to the possibility of displaying facilities in the vicinity, while it is possible to adjust the radius based on your own preferences. If a visitor is looking for a specific facility, they can use the sophisticated full-text indexing search or one of the advanced searches.

A private zone for facility owners and system administrators is also an important enhancement. Extension accesses can be purchased for each level. Everything is managed online and fully automated. Thus, there is no need to manually check the expiration of a particular account. The system takes care of everything. The purchase is linked to PayPal for online payments. After payment, the entire process is completed and the account is automatically extended with new features.

An advertising system and linking the system with affiliate services was also designed for the client's needs.

The site has a special mobile version. In addition to standard layout and size customization, several tools were used to control the site with gestures.

This website brings together more than 3,300 different wine taverns and wine taverns in the Austrian regions.

On this website you will find more than 3300 different establishments like wine taverns and wine taverns from the Austrian regions of Vienna, Lower Austria, Burgenland and Styria grouped together.


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